Which two statements describe the Jasager attack? (Choose two.)
A Jasager attack is a type of wireless man-in-the-middle attack that exploits the way mobile devices search for known wireless networks. A Jasager device will respond to any beacon request from a mobile device by saying ''Yes, I'm here'', pretending to be one of the preferred networks. This way, the Jasager device can trick the mobile device into connecting to it, without the user's knowledge or consent. The Jasager device can then intercept, modify, or redirect the traffic of the victim. For this attack to work, the attacker needs to be within close proximity of the victim, and the victim must have at least one known network in their preferred list. The victim does not need to manually choose the attacker's access point, nor does the attacker try to get victims to connect at random. Reference: Wireless Man in the Middle - Palo Alto Networks, Man-in-the-middle attacks with malicious & rogue Wi-Fi access points - Privacy Guides
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