Is this where an administrator could enforce multifactor authentication (MFA)?
Solution: User profiles
An Okta Administrator is instructed to assign an application to 1,000 users in the Sales department Is this a recommended method for the administrator to assign the application to the users?
Solution: Assign the application to an Active Directory organizational unit
Is this something an Okta Administrator can do to manage a dashboard setting for an end user?
Solution: Prevent an end user from changing the order of the applications assigned to that end user
An Okta Administrator is instructed to assign an application to 1,000 users in the Sales department Is this a recommended method for the administrator to assign the application to the users?
Solution: Assign the application to an Active Directory organizational unit
Is this a reason why SAML is more secure than Secure Web Authentication (SWA)?
Solution: SAML uses the Okta Browser plugin.
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