Exam Name: Okta Professional Exam
Exam Code:
Related Certification(s): Okta Certified Professional Certification
Certification Provider: Okta
Number of Okta-Certified-Professional practice questions in our database:
118 (updated: Dec. 19, 2024)
Expected Okta-Certified-Professional Exam Topics, as suggested by Okta :
- Topic 1: Demonstrate knowledge of the Active Directory integration options with Okta/ Demonstrate knowledge of IAM and IDaaS and how they relate to Okta
- Topic 2: Manage Okta Mastered Users/ Demonstrate understanding of the MFA reset options that are available to an administrator
- Topic 3: Demonstrate knowledge of available factor types and supported forms/ Configure Universal Directory and User Profiles
- Topic 4: Demonstrate knowledge of basic troubleshooting of the Okta Browser plug-in/ Integrate Okta with Active Directory Mastered Users
- Topic 5: Demonstrate knowledge of the various methods for activating and deactivating users/ Demonstrate knowledge of the OIN and how to leverage Okta out-of-the-box app integrations
- Topic 6: Demonstrate knowledge of the benefits of using federation vs. password vaulting/ Implement Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
- Topic 7: Demonstrate knowledge of the various group types supported by Okta/ Manage Application Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Topic 8: Demonstrate understanding of the difference between Okta reports and syslogs/ Demonstrate knowledge of custom attributes, mappings, and data transformation
- Topic 9: Integrate Okta with LDAP Mastered Users/ Demonstrate knowledge of the general usage of Administrative roles in Okta
- Topic 10: Okta Mobile Setup and Administration/ Demonstrate understanding of how policies are applied based on the policy priority order
- Topic 11: Demonstrate knowledge of when to use Okta user states and statuses/ Demonstrate understanding of the importance of the default policies in Okta
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