What is the prerequisite before a Single-VM Blueprint in Self-Service (formerly Calm) can be published to the Marketplace?
Before a Single-VM Blueprint in Self-Service (formerly Calm) can be published to the Marketplace, it is necessary to create both a project and an environment. A project defines the scope and access control for the blueprint, while the environment provides the necessary configurations and settings for the deployment, such as network, credentials, and other resources.
Nutanix Calm documentation on Project Creation.
Nutanix Calm documentation on Environment Setup.
What is a Category?
A Category in Nutanix is a grouping of entities (such as VMs, hosts, clusters, etc.) into a key-value pair. Categories are used to organize and manage resources more effectively by tagging them with meaningful identifiers.
Nutanix documentation on Categories.
Nutanix Best Practices for Using Categories.
When can a variable be updated during a Runbook execution?
A variable can be updated during a Runbook execution only if it is marked as runtime editable. This setting allows the variable to be modified during the execution of the Runbook, providing flexibility and dynamic behavior based on runtime conditions.
Nutanix Calm documentation on Runtime Editable Variables.
Nutanix Best Practices for Runbook Variables.
What is a Category?
A Category in Nutanix is a grouping of entities (such as VMs, hosts, clusters, etc.) into a key-value pair. Categories are used to organize and manage resources more effectively by tagging them with meaningful identifiers.
Nutanix documentation on Categories.
Nutanix Best Practices for Using Categories.
What minimum requirement is necessary to enable Self-Service (formerly Calm) policies for scheduling and approval tasks?
To enable Self-Service (formerly Calm) policies for scheduling and approval tasks, the minimum requirement is the Policy Engine VM. The Policy Engine VM is responsible for managing and enforcing policies, including scheduling and approval processes within Nutanix Calm.
Nutanix documentation on Policy Engine.
Nutanix Best Practices for Scheduling and Approval.
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