Which tab(s) does the metadata in the meta-info.Json file appear in the "Edit Intent Type" window of the Intent Manager UI?
According to theNSP Network Services Platform Release 20.6 Intent Manager Application Help1, an intent type consists of four components: general metadata, target, YANG model and script.The metadata in the meta-info.Json file appears in theGeneralandResourcespanels of the Edit Intent Type window
Whatare the main sections of an abstract YANG module file?
The main sections of an abstract YANG module file areargumentsandstatements.
An argument is a string that provides additional information about a statement. A statement is a keyword followed by an argument and optionally enclosed by braces ({ }) containing substatements.
For example, an abstract YANG module file could start with:
module ibn-intent { namespace ''urn:nokia.com:ibn:intent''; prefix ibn;
This defines the module name, namespace and prefix as arguments for the module, namespace and prefix statements respectively.
Which of the following files contains all the back end implementations required for Intent configurations to be performed?
The script-content.js file contains all the back end implementations required for Intent configurations to be performed.
The script-content.js file is a JavaScript file that defines the logic for creating, updating, deleting and synchronizing intents. It also defines the validation rules and error handling mechanisms for intents.
For example, a script-content.js file could contain:
function createIntent(intent) { // logic for creating an intent }
function updateIntent(intent) { // logic for updating an intent }
Whatare the main sections of an abstract YANG module file?
The main sections of an abstract YANG module file areargumentsandstatements.
An argument is a string that provides additional information about a statement. A statement is a keyword followed by an argument and optionally enclosed by braces ({ }) containing substatements.
For example, an abstract YANG module file could start with:
module ibn-intent { namespace ''urn:nokia.com:ibn:intent''; prefix ibn;
This defines the module name, namespace and prefix as arguments for the module, namespace and prefix statements respectively.
Which Workflow state allows a Workflow to be executed?
According to the Workflow Manager User Guide from Nokia, the correct answer is C. Published. When a workflow is in the Published state, it can be executed by users who have the appropriate permissions. The Draft state is used during the creation of a new workflow, while the Deprecated state indicates that a workflow is no longer supported and should not be used. The Released state is not mentioned in the context of workflow execution.
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