Haha, 'recipe for disaster' - I like that! But yeah, I agree, continuous delivery is a pretty crucial step. You don't want to just be throwing untested code out there, you know?
Hold up, if they're skipping continuous delivery, that means they're not verifying the artifacts before they hit production. That's a recipe for disaster! I'm going to have to go with option B on this one.
Ooh, good point. Although, you know, if they're just letting an automatic process handle the deployment, they might not even need continuous delivery. They could just go straight from CI to CD. What do you all think?
Yeah, that's my thought too. Continuous delivery is about getting the artifacts ready for deployment, but continuous deployment is the automatic release to production. That seems to be the step they skipped here.
Hmm, let me think about this. If they're deploying the artifacts automatically, then they must have already done the continuous integration step, right? I'm guessing the missing step is continuous deployment.
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