Which two of the following methods are valid ways to access a node which is not booting? (Choose two.)
If a node is not booting, the following methods can be used to access the system for troubleshooting:
1. Service Processor (SP)
What it does: The SP provides out-of-band management access to the node, even if the node is not booting.
How to use:
Connect to the SP using SSH or a direct console connection.
Use SP commands to gather logs or perform diagnostics.
2. Serial Console
What it does: The serial console provides direct access to the node's bootloader or maintenance mode.
How to use:
Connect to the serial port using a terminal emulator.
Use console commands to interact with the system.
Why Other Options Are Incorrect:
A . node management port:
The node management interface is only accessible if the node is booted and ONTAP is running.
B . cluster management port:
The cluster management interface requires the cluster to be operational, which is not possible if the node is not booting.
NetApp 'Service Processor and Serial Console Guide' provides instructions for accessing a non-booting node.
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