You are using wafliron on an aggregate named homedir on a production system.
When is the data on homedir available?
When using wafliron to repair WAFL inconsistencies on an aggregate, the aggregate becomes available after Phase 4 of the wafliron process is complete.
Phases of wafliron:
Phase 1: Initial scan to identify inconsistencies.
Phase 2: Corrects directory and inode structure issues.
Phase 3: Repairs blocks and metadata.
Phase 4: Completes final repairs and verification, after which the aggregate can be made available.
Why Other Options Are Incorrect:
A . when the administrator manually onlines the aggregate:
The aggregate cannot be manually brought online until wafliron completes Phase 4.
B . when wafliron is started:
Starting wafliron does not make the aggregate available; repairs need to be completed first.
D . after the mounting phase of wafliron is complete:
WAFLiron does not have a specific 'mounting phase.' Mounting happens after Phase 4 completes.
'NetApp WAFLiron Troubleshooting Guide' explains the availability of the aggregate after Phase 4.
NetApp Support documentation outlines the phases of wafliron and aggregate recovery.
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