The analyst used __________ to quantify the value of intangible assets. The analyst estimated the current cost required for the company to recreate its current level of customer awareness, brand recognition and consumer loyalty.
Hold up, the 'Asset accumulation method'? What is this, some kind of accounting voodoo? I'm sticking with the Recreation cost, it's the only one that makes any real sense to me.
Haha, the 'Valuing intangibles method' sounds like some made-up MBA jargon. I'm going with the Recreation cost method, it's the most straightforward approach.
The Income approach seems like a logical choice here. Estimating the value based on the future earnings potential of those intangible assets seems more accurate than just the recreation cost.
I think the Recreation cost method is the correct answer. It makes sense to estimate the current cost to recreate the company's intangible assets like customer awareness and brand recognition.
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