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MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1 Exam Questions

Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect - Level 1
Exam Code: MCPA-Level-1
Related Certification(s): MuleSoft Certified Architect Certification
Certification Provider: MuleSoft
Number of MCPA-Level-1 practice questions in our database: 95 (updated: 20-05-2024)
Expected MCPA-Level-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by MuleSoft :
  • Topic 1: Identify idempotent HTTP methods and HTTP-native support for optimistic concurrency/ Define and describe the benefits of API-led connectivity and application networks
  • Topic 2: Identify which types of APIs and other remote interfaces are or are not amenable to management by API Manager/ Explain MuleSoft’s proposal for closing the IT delivery gap
  • Topic 3: Select Anypoint Platform identity management vs client management for the correct purpose/ Select appropriate API policies to enforce non-functional constraints on API invocations
  • Topic 4: Identify changes to an API that would require or not require a major version increment/ Describe the role and characteristics of the "modern API
  • Topic 5: Identify any change required in the corresponding RAML definition/ Describe the capabilities and high-level components of Anypoint Platform
  • Topic 6: Recommend the use of an Enterprise Data Model or Bounded Context Data Models/ Identify KPIs to measure the success of a C4E
  • Topic 7: Assign APIs to layers according to ownership, functional focus, and rate of change/ Describe the purpose and roles of a Center for Enablement
  • Topic 8: Given specific preferences and constraints, select API policy enforcement with or without API proxies/ Given a set of APIs and specific preferences and organizational characteristics
  • Topic 9: When asynchronous execution of API invocations is needed, select when to appropriately use polling or callbacks/ Correctly use the terms API, API implementation, API client, API consumer, and API invocation identify API policies that are typically applied to that layer and the scenarios needing custom policies
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Free MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1 Exam Actual Questions

Note: Premium Questions for MCPA-Level-1 were last updated On 20-05-2024 (see below)

Question #1

What are the major benefits of MuleSoft proposed IT Operating Model?

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Correct Answer: C

Correct Answer:

1. Decrease the IT delivery gap

2. Meet various business demands without increasing the IT capacity

3. Make consumption of assets at the rate of production.


Question #2

A Mule application exposes an HTTPS endpoint and is deployed to three CloudHub workers that do not use static IP addresses. The Mule application expects a high volume of client requests in short time periods. What is the most cost-effective infrastructure component that should be used to serve the high volume of client requests?

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Correct Answer: B

Correct Answer: The CloudHub shared load balancer


The scenario in this question can be split as below:

>> There are 3 CloudHub workers (So, there are already good number of workers to handle high volume of requests)

>> The workers are not using static IP addresses (So, one CANNOT use customer load-balancing solutions without static IPs)

>> Looking for most cost-effective component to load balance the client requests among the workers.

Based on the above details given in the scenario:

>> Runtime autoscaling is NOT at all cost-effective as it incurs extra cost. Most over, there are already 3 workers running which is a good number.

>> We cannot go for a customer-hosted load balancer as it is also NOT most cost-effective (needs custom load balancer to maintain and licensing) and same time the Mule App is not having Static IP Addresses which limits from going with custom load balancing.

>> An API Proxy is irrelevant there as it has no role to play w.r.t handling high volumes or load balancing.

So, the only right option to go with and fits the purpose of scenario being most cost-effective is - using a CloudHub Shared Load Balancer.

Question #3

A system API has a guaranteed SLA of 100 ms per request. The system API is deployed to a primary environment as well as to a disaster recovery (DR) environment, with different DNS names in each environment. An upstream process API invokes the system API and the main goal of this process API is to respond to client requests in the least possible time. In what order should the system APIs be invoked, and what changes should be made in order to speed up the response time for requests from the process API?

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Correct Answer: A

Correct Answer: In parallel, invoke the system API deployed to the primary environment and the system API deployed to the DR environment, and ONLY use the first response.


>> The API requirement in the given scenario is to respond in least possible time.

>> The option that is suggesting to first try the API in primary environment and then fallback to API in DR environment would result in successful response but NOT in least possible time. So, this is NOT a right choice of implementation for given requirement.

>> Another option that is suggesting to ONLY invoke API in primary environment and to add timeout and retries may also result in successful response upon retries but NOT in least possible time. So, this is also NOT a right choice of implementation for given requirement.

>> One more option that is suggesting to invoke API in primary environment and API in DR environment in parallel using Scatter-Gather would result in wrong API response as it would return merged results and moreover, Scatter-Gather does things in parallel which is true but still completes its scope only on finishing all routes inside it. So again, NOT a right choice of implementation for given requirement

The Correct choice is to invoke the API in primary environment and the API in DR environment parallelly, and using ONLY the first response received from one of them.

Question #4

True or False. We should always make sure that the APIs being designed and developed are self-servable even if it needs more man-day effort and resources.

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Correct Answer: B

Correct Answer: TRUE


>> As per MuleSoft proposed IT Operating Model, designing APIs and making sure that they are discoverable and self-servable is VERY VERY IMPORTANT and decides the success of an API and its application network.

Question #5

A system API has a guaranteed SLA of 100 ms per request. The system API is deployed to a primary environment as well as to a disaster recovery (DR) environment, with different DNS names in each environment. An upstream process API invokes the system API and the main goal of this process API is to respond to client requests in the least possible time. In what order should the system APIs be invoked, and what changes should be made in order to speed up the response time for requests from the process API?

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Correct Answer: A

Correct Answer: In parallel, invoke the system API deployed to the primary environment and the system API deployed to the DR environment, and ONLY use the first response.


>> The API requirement in the given scenario is to respond in least possible time.

>> The option that is suggesting to first try the API in primary environment and then fallback to API in DR environment would result in successful response but NOT in least possible time. So, this is NOT a right choice of implementation for given requirement.

>> Another option that is suggesting to ONLY invoke API in primary environment and to add timeout and retries may also result in successful response upon retries but NOT in least possible time. So, this is also NOT a right choice of implementation for given requirement.

>> One more option that is suggesting to invoke API in primary environment and API in DR environment in parallel using Scatter-Gather would result in wrong API response as it would return merged results and moreover, Scatter-Gather does things in parallel which is true but still completes its scope only on finishing all routes inside it. So again, NOT a right choice of implementation for given requirement

The Correct choice is to invoke the API in primary environment and the API in DR environment parallelly, and using ONLY the first response received from one of them.

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