Suposse tou have the following collection with only 2 documents:
If you run an aggregation query and use { $unwind: "$traits" } as the first stage, how many documents will be passed to the next stage of the aggregation pipeline?
Alright, time to put on my thinking cap. I reckon the answer is B) 5. Unwinding that 'traits' array is gonna split each of the 2 documents into 5 separate ones. *winks* Gotta love these aggregation queries, am I right?
Ha, this is like a trick question! The answer's gotta be E) 1. I mean, come on, if you unwind the 'traits' field, you're basically flattening the whole collection into a single document. Easy money, folks!
Oof, this one's a real brain-buster. I'm gonna have to go with D) 2 on this one. Unwinding the 'traits' array should keep the original document count, right? *scratches head* Hmm, maybe I should've paid more attention in class...
This one's tricky, but I think the correct answer is C) 4. The question states there are only 2 documents, and when you unwind the 'traits' field, each document will be split into 2 separate documents. Easy peasy!
Hmm, let's see... Unwinding the 'traits' field should create a new document for each element in the array, so I'd say the answer is B) 5. Boom, nailed it!
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