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MongoDB Exam C100DBA Topic 1 Question 7 Discussion

Actual exam question for MongoDB's C100DBA exam
Question #: 7
Topic #: 1
[All C100DBA Questions]

Consider the following example document:


"_id": Objectld("5360c0a0a655a60674680bbe"),


"login": "irOn"

"description": "Made of steel"

"date": ISODate("2014-04-30T09:16:45.836Z"),



and index creation command:

db.users.createlndex( { "user.login": 1, "": -1 }, "mylndex" )

When performing the following query:

db.users.find( { "user.login": /Air.*/ },

{ "user":1, "_id":0 > ).sort( { "":1 > )

which of the following statements correctly describe how MongoDB will handle the query? Check all that apply.

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Suggested Answer: B

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