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Microsoft Exam MO-101 Topic 1 Question 4 Discussion

Actual exam question for Microsoft's exam
Question #: 4
Topic #: 1
[All Questions]

You are creating a broachure for potential clients of VanArshdel, Ltd.

In the ''Team Building'' section, set the proofing language for the word ''expeditions'' to French (France).

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Suggested Answer: A

1. Select the Home tab in the ribbon.

2. Select the dialog box launcher in the Styles group.

3. Select the Options button in the Styles task pane.

4. Select All styles in the Select styles to show drop-down menu in the Style Pane Options dialog box.

5. Select the OK button to close the Style Pane Options dialog box.

6. Scroll to Comment Text in the Styles task pane; hold your cursor over Comment Text to reveal the options arrow.

7. Select the options arrow and then select Modify from the drop-down menu.

8. Select the Format button in the Modify Style dialog box.

9. Select Language in the drop-down menu.

10. Select English (or another preferred language) in the Mark selected text as drop-down menu in the Language dialog box.

11. Uncheck Do not check spelling or grammar to ensure that Word will include your comments in spelling and grammar checks.

12. Select the OK button to close the Language dialog box.

13. Select the OK button to close the Modify Style dialog box.

14. Save, close, and then reopen the document to activate your new comment review settings.

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