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Microsoft Exam MB-210 Topic 2 Question 89 Discussion

Actual exam question for Microsoft's MB-210 exam
Question #: 89
Topic #: 2
[All MB-210 Questions]

A company's human resources director wants a solution that improves consistently for the process of onboarding new staff. The company wants to use playbooks for the solution. You need to create a playbook template to track the staff onboarding. In which entity must you create records for staff members?

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Suggested Answer: D

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9 months ago
Actually, I think User would be the best entity to create records for staff members since it's more specific to individuals within the company.
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9 months ago
I agree with Jamal, Contact seems like the appropriate entity to track staff members.
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9 months ago
But wouldn't it be more logical to create records in Contact since we're dealing with staff members?
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9 months ago
I think we should create records in Custom entity for staff members.
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10 months ago
I'm with you guys. Custom entity is the way to go. Although, I'm a little worried that the exam might try to trick us with an answer like 'Contact' since that's also related to people. But I think the custom entity option is the most straightforward and appropriate solution here.
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10 months ago
Yeah, I'm also leaning towards C. Resources and Contacts are more generic entities, and User is typically for authentication purposes. Creating a custom entity gives us the flexibility to design the onboarding process exactly how the company wants it.
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9 months ago
Custom entity will give us the flexibility we need to design the onboarding process according to the company's requirements.
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9 months ago
User is typically used for authentication, so it makes sense to go with a custom entity for staff records.
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10 months ago
Resources and Contacts are too generic for tracking staff onboarding.
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10 months ago
I agree, a custom entity would allow us to customize the onboarding process to fit the company's needs.
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10 months ago
I think C) Custom entity would be the best option for creating records for staff members.
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10 months ago
I agree with Vicky. Creating a custom entity makes the most sense here. The HR director wants a solution that improves consistently, and using a custom entity will allow us to tailor the onboarding process to the company's specific needs.
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10 months ago
Hmm, this is a tricky one. I think the answer has to be C) Custom entity. The question specifically mentions that we need to create a playbook template to track staff onboarding, and that suggests we need to create a custom entity to store the relevant information.
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