You are a data scientist working for a hotel booking website company. You use the Azure Machine Learning service to train a model that identifies fraudulent transactions.
You must deploy the model as an Azure Machine Learning real-time web service using the Model.deploy method in the Azure Machine Learning SDK. The deployed web service must return real-time predictions of fraud based on transaction data input.
You need to create the script that is specified as the entry_script parameter for the InferenceConfig class used to deploy the model.
What should the entry script do?
The entry script receives data submitted to a deployed web service and passes it to the model. It then takes the response returned by the model and returns that to the client. The script is specific to your model. It must understand the data that the model expects and returns.
The two things you need to accomplish in your entry script are:
Loading your model (using a function called init())
Running your model on input data (using a function called run())
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