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Microsoft Exam AZ-800 Topic 3 Question 64 Discussion

Actual exam question for Microsoft's AZ-800 exam
Question #: 64
Topic #: 3
[All AZ-800 Questions]


Task 10

You need to configure Hyper-V to ensure that running virtual machines can be moved between SRV1 and SRV2 without downtime.

You do NOT need to move any virtual machines at this time.

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One possible solution to configure Hyper-V to ensure that running virtual machines can be moved between SRV1 and SRV2 without downtime is to use Live Migration. Live Migration is a feature of Hyper-V that allows you to move a running virtual machine from one host to another without any noticeable interruption of service. To set up Live Migration between SRV1 and SRV2, you need to perform the following steps:

On both SRV1 and SRV2, openHyper-V Managerfrom theAdministrative Toolsmenu or by typingvirtmgmt.mscin the Run box.

In the left pane, right-click on the name of the server and selectHyper-V Settings.

In theHyper-V Settingsdialog box, selectLive Migrationsin the navigation pane.

Check the boxEnable incoming and outgoing live migrations.

UnderAuthentication protocol, select the method that you want to use to authenticate the live migration traffic between the servers. You can choose eitherKerberosorCredSSP. Kerberos does not require you to sign in to the source server before starting a live migration, but it requires you to configure constrained delegation on the domain controller. CredSSP does not require you to configure constrained delegation, but it requires you to sign in to the source server through a local console session, a Remote Desktop session, or a remote Windows PowerShell session. For more information on how to configure constrained delegation, seeConfigure constrained delegation.

UnderPerformance options, select the option that best suits your network configuration and performance requirements. You can choose eitherTCP/IPorCompressionorSMB. TCP/IP uses a single TCP connection for the live migration traffic. Compression uses multiple TCP connections and compresses the live migration traffic to reduce the migration time and network bandwidth usage. SMB uses the Server Message Block (SMB) 3.0 protocol and can leverage SMB features such as SMB Multichannel and SMB Direct. For more information on how to choose the best performance option, seeChoose a live migration performance option.

UnderAdvanced Features, you can optionally enable theUse any available network for live migrationoption, which allows Hyper-V to use any available network adapter on the source and destination servers for live migration. If you do not enable this option, you need to specify one or more network adapters to be used for live migration by clicking on theAddbutton and selecting the network adapter from the list. You can also change the order of preference by using theMove UpandMove Downbuttons.

ClickOKto apply the settings.

Now, you have configured Hyper-V to enable live migration between SRV1 and SRV2. You can use Hyper-V Manager or Windows PowerShell to initiate a live migration of a running virtual machine from one server to another.

Contribute your Thoughts:

5 days ago
That makes sense. It's important for high availability and workload balancing.
upvoted 0 times
6 days ago
I agree. By setting up live migration, we can move virtual machines between servers seamlessly.
upvoted 0 times
7 days ago
I believe we need to enable the Hyper-V live migration feature and configure the necessary settings.
upvoted 0 times
10 days ago
Yes, that's right. We need to make sure virtual machines can move between SRV1 and SRV2 without downtime.
upvoted 0 times
12 days ago
I think this task is about configuring Hyper-V for live migration.
upvoted 0 times
13 days ago
Live Migration, eh? I'm feeling a bit like Superman right about now. Faster than a speeding virtual machine!
upvoted 0 times
57 minutes ago
User 1: Live Migration is so cool!
upvoted 0 times
21 days ago
Live Migration, huh? Time to break out the Hyper-V PowerShell cmdlets! This should be a piece of cake.
upvoted 0 times
22 days ago
Looks like we need to set up Live Migration between the Hyper-V hosts. Gotta make sure the storage is shared and the network is configured properly.
upvoted 0 times
10 days ago
Check that the network is configured for Live Migration to work smoothly.
upvoted 0 times
14 days ago
Make sure to enable Live Migration on both SRV1 and SRV2.
upvoted 0 times

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