Task 6
Initialize the default main branch, if it does not exist already.
For Project 1, you need to implement branch merging restrictions to enable squash merge for all changes merged into the main branch.
Step 1: Initialize the Default Main Branch
Navigate to Azure DevOps:
Go to Azure DevOps and sign in with your credentials.
Select Your Project:
ChooseProject1from your list of projects.
Initialize the Main Branch:
Go toRepos>Files.
Step 2: Enable Squash Merge for the Main Branch
Navigate to Branch Policies:
Go toRepos>Branches.
Find themainbranch and click on the...(ellipsis) next to it.
SelectBranch policies.
Enable Squash Merge:
UnderPolicies, scroll down to theMerge strategysection.
SelectSquash mergeas the required merge strategy2.
Save Changes:
Click onSave changesto apply the policies.
Step 3: Verify the Squash Merge Policy
Create a Pull Request:
Make a change in a branch and create a pull request to merge it into the main branch.
Complete the Pull Request:
2 days agoMarnie
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1 months ago