You build a conversational bot named bot1.
You need to configure the bot to use a QnA Maker application.
From the Azure Portal, where can you find the information required by bot1 to connect to the QnA Maker application?
Obtain values to connect your bot to the knowledge base
1. In the QnA Maker site, select your knowledge base.
2. With your knowledge base open, select the SETTINGS tab. Record the value shown for service name. This value is useful for finding your knowledge base of interest when using the QnA Maker portal interface. It's not used to connect your bot app to this knowledge base.
3. Scroll down to find Deployment details and record the following values from the Postman sample HTTP request:
4. POST /knowledgebases/<knowledge-base-id>/generateAnswer
5. Host: <your-host-url>
6. Authorization: EndpointKey <your-endpoint-key>
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