Option A, baby! 'timedatectl set-timezone' is the way to go. It's like a one-stop-shop for all your time-related needs. Need to set the timezone? Check. Need to change the time? Check. Need to play time wizard? Check, check, and check!
Nah, Option D all the way! 'tzselect' just screams 'I'm a timezone expert' to me. Plus, it's got that nice little interactive menu - you know, for those of us who like to get our hands dirty with time zones.
Hmm, I'd go with Option B. Anything that involves 'date' in the command has to be the right choice, right? It's like the system knows exactly what time it is, no questions asked.
3 days agoPete
4 days agoDomitila
8 days agoDelila
10 days agoKarina
11 days agoCheryll
16 days agoAvery
17 days ago