What are the standard possibilities to configure parameters of a component (peer, orderer) in Hyperledger Fabric?
In Hyperledger Fabric, the standard possibilities to configure parameters of a component, such as a peer or orderer, include using YAML configuration files, environment variables, and command-line interface (CLI) flags. This approach provides flexibility and allows for detailed control over the parameters that govern the behavior of these components .
What is a range query with a start and end key?
In Hyperledger Fabric, a range query with a start and end key is a type of query that searches for all ledger entries whose keys fall within the specified range defined by the startKey and endKey. This is used, for example, to retrieve a subset of assets from the ledger based on their key values, effectively iterating over a specified range .
What happens if the user submits a transaction with no matching function?
In Hyperledger Fabric, if a user submits a transaction with no matching function specified in the smart contract, the unknownTransaction function is invoked by default. This function serves as a catch-all method that can be used to handle cases where the transaction type is not recognized, providing a mechanism to manage or log these occurrences effectively .
What is a range query with a start and end key?
In Hyperledger Fabric, a range query with a start and end key is a type of query that searches for all ledger entries whose keys fall within the specified range defined by the startKey and endKey. This is used, for example, to retrieve a subset of assets from the ledger based on their key values, effectively iterating over a specified range .
What do we call the ordering nodes actively participating in the consensus mechanism for a given channel and receiving replicated logs for the channel?
In Hyperledger Fabric, the ordering nodes that are actively participating in the consensus mechanism for a given channel are referred to as the 'Consenter set.' These nodes are part of the ordering service and are responsible for creating blocks by ordering transactions and ensuring consistency across the network. The Consenter set receives the transaction logs that need to be replicated across other orderers and peers in the network. This is distinct from the 'Committer set,' which comprises nodes that commit blocks to their ledger, and 'Endorsers,' which are responsible for endorsing transactions by checking them against the chaincode execution policies.
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