A project that you are working on has a requirement for persistent data to be available.
To facilitate this, perform the following tasks:
* Create a file on node sk8s-node-0 at /opt/KDSP00101/data/index.html with the content Acct=Finance
* Create a PersistentVolume named task-pv-volume using hostPath and allocate 1Gi to it, specifying that the volume is at /opt/KDSP00101/data on the cluster's node. The configuration should specify the access mode of ReadWriteOnce . It should define the StorageClass name exam for the PersistentVolume , which will be used to bind PersistentVolumeClaim requests to this PersistenetVolume.
* Create a PefsissentVolumeClaim named task-pv-claim that requests a volume of at least 100Mi and specifies an access mode of ReadWriteOnce
* Create a pod that uses the PersistentVolmeClaim as a volume with a label app: my-storage-app mounting the resulting volume to a mountPath /usr/share/nginx/html inside the pod
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