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Question No: 1
A. The Junos REST API client is on-box.
Answer CExplanation
Junos automation provides several methods for device provisioning, including through the console port. This allows network administrators to automate the initial configuration of devices even before they are connected to the network. This method is particularly useful for scenarios where remote devices need to be provisioned before they are fully integrated into the network.
Option A (The Junos REST API client is on-box) and Option D (The Junos REST API client is off-box) describe the REST API client's location but do not address device provisioning through the console port.
Option B (Junos automation does not allow for device provisioning through the console port) is incorrect because Junos automation does support such provisioning.
Supporting Reference:
Juniper Networks Automation and Provisioning Documentation: This documentation includes examples and instructions for provisioning devices through various methods, including the console port.