You are working in a team preparing a bank loan application. Your task is the preparation of acceptance tests for the following user story:
"IF a customer needs a loan for less than 50,000 Euros and they have made repayments regularly (without any delay) and the customer's monthly income is more than 3000 Euros for the last year, THEN the bank will accept the loan request; in other cases, the bank will not accept the request. A customer assistant is responsible for preparing data for approval but the approval is done by the bank manager."
Which of the following test cases can be treated as acceptance test criteria for the above user story?
1) As a customer assistant I can log in to the system and check the history of the customer account for the last year.
2) As a customer assistant I can log in to the system and check the history of the customer debts and repayments.
3) As a customer assistant I can log in to the system and change my password.
4) As a bank manager I can log in to the system and receive the information of all requests waiting for approval.
5) As a bank manager I can log in to the system and decide whether to approve a loan for a customer.
6) As a bank manager I can log in to the system within 10 seconds.
8 months agoHester
8 months agoMaira
9 months agoRenea
10 months agoHester
10 months ago