A user experience professional is a professional who has one or more of the following responsibilities in a project:
1. Planning and managing the____________ design process;
2. Identifying and describing the____________:
3. Deriving the_________ requirements;
4. Creating the___________architecture and the navigation structure;
5. Defining and conceiving the interaction between humans and the interactive system based on the context of_________;use and the
6. Designing the graphic part of the__________;
7. Carrying out___________ of user interfaces in various stages of realisation
A user experience professional is a person who has specific responsibilities associated with the human-centred quality of an interactive system. Their responsibilities include analysis of the context of use, specifying user requirements, producing design solutions - in particular prototypes - and carrying out usability evaluations.
Page 14 in CPUX-F_EN_Curriculum-and-Glossary.pdf.
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