MNO, Inc. is a national retail home goods chain formed of local franchisees. Each franchisee uses its own returns processing systems. A key advertising point for MNO is its liberal return policy, which is part of its overall focus on excellent customer service. While feedback from customers is positive regarding MNO's return policy, there have been inquiries as to why stores handle returns via different processes. MNO's supply manager suggests the implementation of a reverse supply chain to deal with this issue and possibly yield cost enhancement opportunities. In order to implement this, which of the following is the FIRST course of action the supply manager should take''
Implementing a reverse supply chain requires first defining a consistent return process that can be integrated into the existing forward supply chain. This ensures that all franchisees follow the same procedures for handling returns, which enhances efficiency, customer satisfaction, and potentially reduces costs. Standardizing the return process also allows for better tracking and management of returned goods, improving overall supply chain performance. By addressing this foundational step first, MNO, Inc. can ensure a smoother implementation of the reverse supply chain. Reference:
* Rogers, D. S., & Tibben-Lembke, R. (2001). An Examination of Reverse Logistics Practic-es. Journal of Business Logistics, 22(2), 129-148.
* Blanchard, D. (2010). Supply Chain Management Best Practices. John Wiley & Sons.
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