Ah, the age-old battle between statistics and gut instinct. As a seasoned auditor, I know that both have their place. But in this case, C is the way to go. Gotta let that professional judgment shine, am I right?
Hold up, did you say 'subjective judgment'? That's perfect! Now I can finally put my supreme auditing powers to good use. Forget about those pesky numbers, I've got this all figured out in my head.
Hmm, I'm not sure. Isn't using subjective judgment kind of risky? I mean, what if I just pick a sample size that's way too small and miss something important? Maybe statistical sampling is the safer bet.
I agree, C is the correct choice. Nonstatistical sampling gives me the flexibility to tailor the sample to the specific audit situation. Plus, it lets me use my expert intuition, which is way more reliable than boring old statistics.
C is the right answer. Nonstatistical sampling allows me to use my professional judgment to determine the sample size. That's way better than being constrained by those rigid statistical methods.
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