While auditing an organization's credit approval process, an internal auditor learns that the organization has made a large loan to another auditors relative. Which course of action should the auditor take?
Identify the Conflict of Interest: The internal auditor learns about a large loan made to another auditor's relative, which represents a conflict of interest.
Refer to Professional Standards: According to the Institute of Internal Auditors' (IIA) standards, an internal auditor must maintain objectivity and avoid conflicts of interest (IIA Standard 1100 -- Independence and Objectivity).
Escalate the Issue: The appropriate course of action is to escalate this matter to the chief audit executive (CAE) and management, as they are responsible for determining the impact of the conflict and the appropriate response.
Decision Making: The CAE and management will assess whether the conflict of interest could impair the auditor's objectivity and decide whether the auditor should be removed from the engagement or if additional oversight is needed.
Documentation: It is important to document the conflict and the decision-making process in the audit documentation for transparency and accountability.
The IIA's International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, specifically Standard 1100 on Independence and Objectivity.
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