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IBM C1000-138 Exam Questions

Exam Name: IBM API Connect v10.0.3 Solution Implementation
Exam Code: C1000-138
Related Certification(s):
  • IBM Certified Solution Implementer Certifications
  • IBM API Connect v10.0.3 Certifications
Certification Provider: IBM
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of C1000-138 practice questions in our database: 60 (updated: Feb. 17, 2025)
Expected C1000-138 Exam Topics, as suggested by IBM :
  • Topic 1: Overview of IBM API Connect: This part of the exam gauges the proficiency of IBM developers and administrators in understanding how IBM API Connect supports the process of creating, operating, managing, securing, testing/monitoring, socializing, and analyzing APIs.
  • Topic 2: Provider Organization Owner Role: This section assesses the capabilities of IBM developers and administrators in handling catalogs and configuring resources related to API security, including OAuth2, user registries, and TLS profiles. It also examines the management of user access within a provider organization and the utilization of the IBM API Connect Command Line Interface (CLI).
  • Topic 3: API Developer Role: The exam evaluates the skills of IBM developers and administrators in building and configuring various API types, such as SOAP APIs, REST APIs (OpenAPI 2 & 3), and GraphQL. It explores the use of API and catalog properties, applying security measures to APIs, managing OAuth2 providers, and utilizing different assembly policies including security, programming, and others. Additionally, the ability to effectively leverage testing functionalities is evaluated.
  • Topic 4: API Product Manager Role: This portion of the exam tests the knowledge of IBM developers and administrators in differentiating between the stages in the API and product lifecycle. It evaluates the ability to derive business insights from analytics, create products and plans, and administer consumer access, including managing consumer organizations and handling applications and subscriptions.
  • Topic 5: Developer Portal (Consumer and Administrator): This section measures the competence of IBM administrators in using analytics to gain insights into consumer organizations. It also covers registering and managing applications, subscribing to APIs from a consumer perspective, and examines the skills needed to effectively handle portal management and customization as an administrator.
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20 days ago
IBM certification achieved! Kudos to Pass4Success for their accurate practice questions.
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1 months ago
Happy to share that I passed the IBM API Connect v10.0.3 exam. The practice questions from Pass4Success were spot on. One question that had me second-guessing was related to the API Product Manager Role, specifically on how to create and manage API plans. I wasn't sure, but I made it through.
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2 months ago
Passed the IBM exam with flying colors! Pass4Success's materials were invaluable.
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2 months ago
Just cleared the IBM API Connect v10.0.3 exam! The Pass4Success questions were very helpful. There was a tricky question about the Provider Organization Owner Role, asking how to manage user roles and permissions. I had to guess, but I passed.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
Thrilled to be IBM Certified! Pass4Success's exam questions were incredibly helpful.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
I successfully passed the IBM API Connect v10.0.3 exam. The practice questions from Pass4Success were crucial. One question that puzzled me was about the API Developer Role, asking how to implement OAuth security. I wasn't confident in my answer, but I managed to pass.
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3 months ago
Thrilled to announce that I passed the IBM API Connect v10.0.3 exam. The Pass4Success practice questions were a great help. There was a question on the Developer Portal (Consumer and Administrator) that asked how to customize the portal's look and feel. I wasn't entirely sure, but I still passed.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Aced the IBM API Connect exam! Pass4Success's questions were key to my quick preparation.
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4 months ago
Just passed the IBM API Connect v10.0.3 exam! The practice questions from Pass4Success were invaluable. One question that caught me off guard was about the Overview of IBM API Connect, specifically how to describe the architecture components. I had to guess a bit, but I passed.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
I passed the IBM API Connect v10.0.3 exam, thanks to Pass4Success practice questions. There was a challenging question about the API Product Manager Role, asking how to define and manage API products effectively. I wasn't sure about the best practices, but I made it through.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Nailed the IBM certification! Pass4Success made prep a breeze with their relevant materials.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Happy to share that I passed the IBM API Connect v10.0.3 exam. The Pass4Success questions were spot on. One question that had me second-guessing was related to the Provider Organization Owner Role. It asked about the steps to create and manage catalogs. I wasn't completely confident in my answer, but I still managed to pass.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Excellent. Lastly, any advice on time management during the exam?
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Just cleared the IBM API Connect v10.0.3 exam! The practice questions from Pass4Success were a lifesaver. There was a tricky question about the API Developer Role, specifically on how to implement rate limiting in an API. I had to think hard about the correct policy to apply, but I got through it.
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
Just passed the IBM API Connect v10.0.3 exam! Thanks Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions.
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
Time management is crucial! Practice with timed tests. Pass4Success's exam simulator really helped me get used to the exam format and pace. Thank you, Pass4Success, for the great preparation materials!
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
I recently passed the IBM API Connect v10.0.3 Solution Implementation exam, and I must say, the Pass4Success practice questions were incredibly helpful. One of the questions that stumped me was about the Developer Portal (Consumer and Administrator) roles. It asked how to configure user permissions for different consumer groups. I wasn't entirely sure of the exact steps, but I managed to pass the exam nonetheless.
upvoted 0 times

Free IBM C1000-138 Exam Actual Questions

Note: Premium Questions for C1000-138 were last updated On Feb. 17, 2025 (see below)

Question #1

How many languages are available to send and personalize notification emails with?

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Correct Answer: A

API Connect allows you to send and personalize notification emails in 15 languages. You can create separate templates for each language, allowing you to tailor the content to the specific needs of your audience. This provides a more personalized and engaging experience for your users.

IBM API Connect: Configuring Notifications

IBM API Connect: Customizing Notification Templates

Question #2

Which of these actions is allowed?

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Correct Answer: A

In IBM API Connect v10.0.3, it is possible to link the same API and version inside different Products. This flexibility allows an API to be offered under multiple Products, each potentially having different plans, pricing, or rate limits, depending on the business needs.

Other options are incorrect:

Option B: Linking the same Product and version inside different APIs does not apply.

Option C: Plans are linked to Products, not directly to APIs.

Option D: Linking the same Product and version multiple times in the same space is not allowed.

IBM API Connect v10.0.3 Documentation: Managing APIs and Products

Question #3

How can an application developer create a better app using APIs?

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Correct Answer: A

Application developers can create better apps using APIs by combining multiple APIs to create composite apps. This approach allows developers to leverage the functionality of different APIs to create more valuable and innovative applications. By combining APIs, developers can access a wider range of data and functionality, create more personalized experiences, and solve complex problems more effectively.

IBM API Connect: Creating Composite APIs

IBM API Connect: Building Better Apps with APIs

Question #4

Which of these actions is allowed?

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Correct Answer: A

In IBM API Connect v10.0.3, it is possible to link the same API and version inside different Products. This flexibility allows an API to be offered under multiple Products, each potentially having different plans, pricing, or rate limits, depending on the business needs.

Other options are incorrect:

Option B: Linking the same Product and version inside different APIs does not apply.

Option C: Plans are linked to Products, not directly to APIs.

Option D: Linking the same Product and version multiple times in the same space is not allowed.

IBM API Connect v10.0.3 Documentation: Managing APIs and Products

Question #5

The security team will allow OIDC to be used for Portal access.

Which two OIDC provider types are available out of the box?

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Correct Answer: A, E

In IBM API Connect v10.0.3, OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a widely used authentication mechanism that allows clients to verify the identity of users based on the authentication performed by an authorization server. API Connect supports various OIDC providers for portal access to integrate with third-party identity providers. Out of the box, API Connect v10.0.3 comes with support for Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and IBM Cloud as pre-configured OIDC providers.

Azure AD is one of the most commonly used OIDC providers, especially in enterprise environments using Microsoft's cloud services.

IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) also provides built-in OIDC support within the IBM ecosystem, making it a natural integration point for users of IBM Cloud services.

These built-in integrations simplify the configuration and management of OIDC providers without requiring additional custom configuration.

IBM API Connect v10.0.3 - Now Available

Developer User Experience with API Connect

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