An EJB application posts a request message into a JMS destination and waits for a response message on a different JMS destination. To correlate the response message to the request message, the application uses the JMS correlationId of the message. The application waits up to five seconds for a response before timing out the request.
A Message Driven Bean (MDB) running on a different cluster is responsible for consuming the request message, process it and post a response message.
The destinations are defined in a Service Integration Bus (SIB) within the cell.
Intermittent timeout exceptions have occurred for the requester application. How can a system administrator correlate and analyze the debug information from both requester and consumer applications?
Cross Component Trace (XCT) annotates the logs so that log entries that are related to a request that is serviced by more than one thread, process, or even server are identified as belonging to the same unit of work. XCT helps identify the root cause of problems across components.
References: WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile (July 2013), page 1091
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