Haha, Formulosis? Really? Sounds like the name of a rare disease you'd find in a sci-fi novel, not a stats term. I'm sticking with the classic options here.
I'm going with E. Granularity. What is that even supposed to mean in the context of data distributions? Sounds like the exam writer was just trying to trip us up.
Kurtosis is definitely a primary cause for Non-normal Data. I'm surprised that's an option here. This exam is testing our stats knowledge, not our creativity.
I'm gonna go with D. Formulosis. Sounds like some kind of medical condition, not a data issue. Plus, it's the only one I don't recognize from my stats class.
Hmm, I'd say Formulosis is definitely not a primary cause for Non-normal Data. That sounds like a made-up term. Let's stick to the real stats concepts here.
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