When a third country or specified entity is said to ensure an adequate level of protection essentially equivalent to that ensured within the European Union, it is awarded a(n)?
I'm just picturing some random entity trying to get a 'Protection Designation' and the EU bureaucrats being like, 'Nah, that's not a thing. Try again.'
I don't know, guys. This is a tough one. I'm gonna have to go with my gut and choose B) Attestation designation. Seems the most fitting, in my opinion.
D) Protection designation? Really? That just sounds too generic. I'm going with C) Adequacy designation - has to be the most accurate term for this situation.
A) Equivalency designation seems like the obvious choice here. I mean, if it's 'essentially equivalent to the EU,' then that's gotta be the right answer, right?
Hmm, I was considering B) Attestation designation, but now I'm leaning more towards C) Adequacy designation. Sounds like the right term for this scenario.
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