The site call conference has one more process for signaling interaction between the terminal and the GK than the general conference, and this process complies with the H.225 protocol. ()
The function of the proxy server is to forward requests or responses to clients. It can be used as a server and a client at the same time to determine the next jump to send a request message.()
SIP is an application layer protocol, independent of the transport layer protocol below, and can be carried on different transport protocols such as UDP/TCPTLS. At present, TCP is the most commonly used.()
The VGA non-return function of TE high-definition terminal is still valid in the shutdown state.()
The maximum number of hops dictates the designation. The maximum number of routing times for P communication in a conference, the less the number of routing times, the greater the delay.()
The ultra-low writing delay on the whiteboard is one of the key competitiveness of IdealHub.()
IdealHub Pro65' requires at least two people to install it.()
The sound pickup range of the IdeaHub smart sound screen cannot be adjusted.()
When the GE port and the optical port of the VP96 series MCU are plugged in at the same time, the GE port is preferred, but try not to plug in at the same time.()
Log in as a meeting administratorSMC3.0 Management background, you can add MCU operation.()