You know, I'm actually not sure why they're asking this in the first place. Isn't the physical cell identity kind of a basic concept that we should already know? This feels more like a trick question to me.
Haha, nice one! But I'd rather not risk it. I'm going to have to go with 'False' on this. The question just doesn't sound definitive enough about the PSS being the sole source of the physical cell identity.
I don't know, guys. Isn't the physical cell identity something that's broadcast separately, maybe in the secondary synchronization signal or something? I'm not convinced the PSS alone is enough to get that info.
Hmm, I'm leaning towards 'True' on this one. The way I understand it, the PSS is specifically designed to carry the physical cell identity information, so decoding the PSS should give us that identity.
I think this is a tricky question. The PSS is used to obtain the physical cell identity, but I'm not sure if that means we can obtain the physical cell identity *after* decoding the PSS. There might be some additional processing or information needed.
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