Why Saint-LUC hospital choosed huawei Dorado for their application system?
Saint-Luc hospital chose Huawei Dorado for their application system because of three main reasons. First, Dorado supports both SAN and NAS protocols in one box, which means it can host all kinds of applications such as databases, file servers, virtual machines, containers, etc., without requiring separate devices or gateways. Second, Dorado can implement an active-active solution without adding any hardware or licenses, which saves cost and improves reliability. The active-active solution synchronizes data between two storage systems in real time and ensures zero service interruption and zero data loss in case of any failure in one system or site. Third, Dorado offers higher performance than hybrid storage with its all-flash technology and E2E NVMe capability. Dorado delivers up to 20 million IOPS and 0.1 ms latency for file operations, which makes the applications run smoothly and efficiently.
7 months agoWilda
7 months agoBillye
7 months agoYasuko
8 months agoWilda
8 months ago