Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) cannot be used to process text data.
Contrary to the statement, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) can indeed be used to process text data. While CNNs are most famously used for image processing, they can also be adapted for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. In text data, CNNs can operate on word embeddings or character-level data to capture local patterns (e.g., sequences of words or characters). CNNs are used in applications such as text classification, sentiment analysis, and language modeling.
The key to CNN's application in text processing is that the convolutional layers can detect patterns in sequences, much like they detect spatial features in images. This versatility is covered in Huawei's HCIA AI platform when discussing CNN's applications beyond image data.
Deep Learning Overview: Explores the usage of CNNs in different domains, including their application in NLP tasks.
Cutting-edge AI Applications: Discusses the use of CNNs in non-traditional tasks, including text and sequential data processing.
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