Ethernet is a network that supports broadcasting, and once there is a loop in the network, this simple broadcasting mechanism can cause catastrophic consequences. Which of the following phenomena may be caused by loops
Wait, are we talking about Ethernet or the Eternal Network? Because if it's the Eternal Network, all the answers are correct - the device can't log in, the pings are serious, the CPU is overloaded, and the interface is drowning in broadcast messages. Good luck fixing that one!
I'm going with D. Seeing a ton of broadcast messages on the interface? That's the smoking gun for a nasty network loop. Time to call in the loop police!
Hah, B is clearly the right answer. Packet loss during network tests? That's a dead giveaway of a looping network. Grab your fishing net, we're going loop hunting!
I would say C. The CPU on the switch or router is going to be maxed out trying to handle all the broadcast traffic. Time to find the loop and stop this madness!
D) use on the deviceDISPLAY INTERFA, CEcommand to view interface statistics, it is found that the interface receives a large number of broadcast message
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