Deployed by an enterprise network managerAgile Controller-Campus withSACG Later;Identity authentication is successful but cannot access the post-authentication domain, This phenomenon may be caused by any reason? (Multiple choice)
Seriously, a 'serious violation' as the answer? What is this, a dystopian sci-fi novel? I'm gonna go with D and hope the Agile Controller-Campus isn't run by robots or something.
I'm going with B. If the SACG didn't deliver the access control list properly, that would definitely explain the authentication woes. Gotta love those enterprise network managers, always dropping the ball!
C seems like the most likely culprit here. Too many ALC rules can really bog down the system and cause all sorts of access issues. Maybe they need to do some spring cleaning on that access control list.
Hmm, I think it's D. The Agile Controller-Campus must have messed up the post-authentication domain resources on the server. How hard can it be to get that right?
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