Deployed by an enterprise network managerAgile Controller-Campus withSACG Later;Identity authentication is successful but cannot access the post-authentication domain, This phenomenon may be caused by any reason? (Multiple choice)
Maybe the post-authentication domain is just feeling a little rebellious and decided to go on strike. Can't blame it, really. Who wants to be post-authenticated all the time?
This is the kind of question that makes me want to throw my laptop out the window. But I'll go with option B. The access control list must be the culprit here.
Seriously, who designs these questions? They're like a maze of network jargon! I'm going with option C. Too many ALC rules must be slowing down the access service.
Hmm, I think it might be option D. The Agile Controller-Campus could have the wrong post-authentication domain resources configured on the server. That would definitely cause the issue.
That's a tricky one! I'm guessing it's option B. The access control list must not have been properly delivered to SACG. Couldn't they just double-check that?
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