Under OSHA regulations, employers do not have the right to do which of the following?
Answer option C is correct.
A Notice of Contest must be filed within 15 days of the citation. The OSH Act requires employers to allow the CSHO to inspect the workplace (D). Employers may request variances until repairs are made (A) or for processes that provide equal or greater safety for workers. Employers may consult with OSHA to identify possible hazards without fear of a citation or penalty (B); but once a consultant becomes involved, the employer must abate any violations, or the consultant will refer the violation to an OSHA inspector.
Chapter: Risk Management
Objective: Review Questions
A union philosophy statement may have all of the following except which?
Answer option B is correct.
A company cannot threaten employees or make promises to them contingent on the workforce remaining union free. A philosophy statement should be geared toward communicating the company's desire to work directly with the employees in discussions about working conditions or benefits. If a union does attempt to organize, it is important for the employer to work directly with outside council to determine the strategic benefits of discussing the desire to remain union free and the disadvantages/limitations of unions as employee representatives.
Chapter: Employee and Labor Relations
Objective: Review Questions
Which of the following has established standards for personal protective equipment (PPE)?
Answer option D is correct.
Chapter: Risk Management
Objective: Risk Assessment
An emphasis on bilingual safety communication represents which of the following OSH objectives?
Answer option D is correct.
Raising awareness about safety and health is the responsibility of employers covered by all standards. Providing safety and health information in a language all employees can understand is part of the Diverse Workforce Limited Proficiency Outreach strategy. It is not specifically required by its own standard, nor is it an element of creating a model program (B) or enrolling in a VPP. Employers are however required to effectively communicate the safety rules to all employees.
Chapter: Risk Management
Objective: Review Questions
Which of the following addresses the way a physical environment is designed and how efficient and safe that design is for the people in that environment?
Answer option A is correct.
Chapter: Risk Management
Objective: Risk Assessment
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