A module block is shown in the Exhibit space of this page. When you use a module block to reference a module from the Terraform Registry such as the one in the example, how do you specify version 1.0.0 of the module?
Module Versioning: To specify a version in a module block for modules in the Terraform Registry, you add the version attribute, e.g., version = '1.0.0'.
Terraform Registry Support: The public registry supports versioning by enabling semantic constraints, allowing users to define specific versions compatible with their infrastructure requirements.
Refer to the module versioning documentation in Terraform's official registry guide.
Terraform configuration can only call modules from the public registry.
Terraform can call modules from various sources including the public Terraform Registry, private registries, local file paths, or version control systems like GitHub.
Terraform Modules
You want to use API tokens and other secrets within your team's Terraform workspaces. Where does HashiCorp recommend you store these sensitive values? (Pick the 3 correct responses)
Sensitive values such as API tokens should be stored in a secure way, either in Terraform Cloud variables marked as sensitive or in HashiCorp Vault. Storing secrets in version control systems or plaintext files is not recommended.
Terraform Cloud Environment Variables
Which of these actions are forbidden when the Terraform state file is locked? (Pick the 3 correct responses)
When the state file is locked, operations that modify or depend on the state (like terraform apply, terraform destroy, and terraform state list) are blocked. terraform fmt only formats the configuration files and does not interact with the state, so it is allowed.
Terraform State Locking
Which Terraform command checks that your configuration syntax is correct?
The terraform validate command is used to check that your Terraform configuration files are syntactically valid and internally consistent. It is a useful command for ensuring your Terraform code is error-free before applying any changes to your infrastructure.
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