Which statement describes the results of this command: $ vault secrets enable transit
The command vault secrets enable transit enables the transit secrets engine at the transit path. The transit secrets engine is a secrets engine that handles cryptographic functions on data in-transit, such as encryption, decryption, signing, verification, hashing, and random bytes generation. The transit secrets engine does not store the data sent to it, but only performs the requested operations and returns the results. The transit secrets engine can also be viewed as ''cryptography as a service'' or ''encryption as a service''. The command vault secrets enable transit uses the default path of transit for the secrets engine, but this can be changed by using the -path option. For example, vault secrets enable -path=my-transit transit would enable the transit secrets engine at the my-transit path.Reference:Transit - Secrets Engines | Vault | HashiCorp Developer,vault secrets enable - Command | Vault | HashiCorp Developer
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