Use this screenshot to answer the question below:
Where on this page would you click to view a secret located at secret/my-secret?
In the HashiCorp Vault UI, secrets are organized in a tree-like structure. To view a secret located at secret/my-secret, you would click on the ''secret/'' folder in the tree, then click on the ''my-secret'' file. In this screenshot, the ''secret/'' folder is located at option C. This folder contains the secrets that are stored in the key/value secrets engine, which is the default secrets engine in Vault. The key/value secrets engine allows you to store arbitrary secrets as key/value pairs. The key is the path of the secret, and the value is the data of the secret. For example, the secret located at secret/my-secret has a key of ''my-secret'' and a value of whatever data you stored there.
[KV - Secrets Engines | Vault | HashiCorp Developer]
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