Your organization is managing secrets using GitHub encrypted secrets, including a secret named SuperSecret. As a developer, you need to create a version of that secret that contains a different value for use in a workflow that is scoped to a specific repository named MyRepo. How should you store the secret to access your specific version within your workflow?
To scope a secret to a specific repository, you can create a new secret with a name like MyRepo_SuperSecret in the secrets section of the MyRepo repository's settings. This ensures that the secret is specific to that repository and can be used within its workflows.
As a developer, what options should you recommend to implement standards for automation reuse? (Choose two.)
Creating workflow templates in the organization's .github repository allows the organization to standardize workflows and make them easily reusable across multiple repositories. This ensures consistency and simplifies maintenance.
Creating reusable actions and workflows that can be called from other workflows helps modularize and standardize automation tasks. These reusable components can be maintained centrally and called from different workflows across repositories.
As a developer, you need to create a custom action written in Python. Which action type should you choose?
As a developer, you need to create a custom action written in Python. Which action type should you choose?
A Docker container action is ideal for custom actions that require specific environments or dependencies, such as Python. By creating a Docker container, you can define the environment with the necessary Python version and dependencies, and your Python code can run inside that container.
Which scopes are available to define custom environment variables within a workflow file? (Choose three.)
You can define environment variables for the entire workflow by using the env key at the top level of the workflow file. These environment variables will be available to all jobs and steps within the workflow.
Environment variables can also be set within the run attribute of a job step, and these variables will be scoped only to that specific step.
You can set environment variables for specific steps within a job by using jobs.<job_id>.steps[*].env, which allows you to define variables that will only be available to that step.
As a developer, how can you identify a Docker container action on GitHub?
In a Docker container action, the action.yml file includes the runs.using field, which is set to docker to specify that the action runs inside a Docker container. This is the key indicator that the action is a Docker container action.
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