Which statement below is the MOST accurate about insider threat controls?
A company needs to classify its information as a key step in valuing it and knowing where to focus its protection.
Rotation of duties and separation of duties are both key elements in reducing the scope of information access and the ability to conceal malicious behavior.
Separation of duties helps minimize ''empire building'' within a company, keeping one individual from controlling a great deal of information, reducing the insider threat.
Security awareness programs can help other employees notice the signs of an insider attack and thus reduce the insider threat.
Detection is a reactive method and only occurs after an attack occurs. Only preventative methods can stop or limit an attack.
What would be the output of the following Google search?
filetype:doc inurl:ws_ftp
Which statement below is the MOST accurate about insider threat controls?
A company needs to classify its information as a key step in valuing it and knowing where to focus its protection.
Rotation of duties and separation of duties are both key elements in reducing the scope of information access and the ability to conceal malicious behavior.
Separation of duties helps minimize ''empire building'' within a company, keeping one individual from controlling a great deal of information, reducing the insider threat.
Security awareness programs can help other employees notice the signs of an insider attack and thus reduce the insider threat.
Detection is a reactive method and only occurs after an attack occurs. Only preventative methods can stop or limit an attack.
Which tool keeps a backup of all deleted items, so that they can be restored later if need be?
After selecting ''fix it!'' with Hijack This you can always restore deleted items, because Hijack This keeps a backup of them.
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