While analysis in BlackBerry application list it appears that no third-party applications were installed on the device. Which other file may provide you with additional information on applications that were accessed with the handset?
Hmm, this is a tough one. I'm gonna go with my gut and say C) Event logs. Unless the exam question is just a ploy to see if we're paying attention and will choose the most ridiculous-sounding option, D) BBThumbs.dat.
D) BBThumbs.dat? Really? That sounds like something you'd find in a Harry Potter book, not a BlackBerry forensics exam. I'm going with C, event logs all the way.
C) Event logs seems like the obvious choice here. Who even uses BlackBerry these days anyway? Maybe the examiner is secretly testing our knowledge of ancient technology.
I think the event logs would be the best place to look for more info on applications accessed. You can't always trust what the BlackBerry app list shows, right?
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