Ooh, trick question! I'm gonna go with D, just to cover all my bases. Better safe than sorry, you know? Besides, who doesn't love a good 'all of the above' option?
I'm feeling lucky, so I'll go with C, Reporting Standards. After all, what's the point of all the hard work if you can't put together a top-notch report, right? *wink wink*
Hmm, I'm gonna go with B. Field work Standards. Sounds like the most comprehensive option that covers the key aspects of the auditor's job. Plus, it has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
D, all of these, for sure. Auditors need to nail down all the bases - planning, controls, and reporting. Anything less would be a half-baked audit, and that's not what we're here for.
Gotta be B, Field work Standards. That's where we deal with the nitty-gritty of the audit process, including planning and supervision. Can't go wrong with that one.
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