The reported Cpk for a process with an average of 94 units, a spread of 22 units and upper and lower specification limits of 125 and 80 units would be?
Okay, let's see... Cpk, Cpk, where have I heard that before? Oh, right, it's all about process capability! Hmm, I'm gonna go with option B, 1.27. Sounds about right to me.
Cpk, huh? That's easy, it's just like measuring the width of a basketball hoop. Wait, no, that's a different sports analogy. Let me think about this one again...
Ooh, a Cpk question! This is my jam. Hang on, let me grab my calculator and work this out step-by-step. Gotta love a good statistical analysis problem, am I right?
Alright, let's do this! Cpk is all about process capability, so we need to crunch those numbers. I'm feeling option C, 1.84, but let's see what the others think.
Hmm, gotta remember the Cpk formula. Let's see, it's something like (Upper Spec Limit - Lower Spec Limit) / (6 * Standard Deviation), right? Wait, is that even the right formula? I need to brush up on my Six Sigma knowledge.
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