Which of the following is not found in the nucleus of a cell?
The nucleus comprised of the nucleolus, chromatin and chromosomes is the command center of a cell. Lysosomes act as the cells digestive system.
What does the acronym HOPS relate to?
HOPS stands for History, Observation, Palpation and Special tests. HOPS is used to assess the client's experience, provide a postural assessment, give a physical examination, and test the function and structure of the client's body.
Which of the following actions would you initially direct to your client to take in order to test the structure and function of scapulohumeral rhythm?
Scapulohumeral rhythm exposes the function of the glenohumeral joint by testing at which degree the scapula activates during an initial abduction of the arm. At 45 degrees, the scapula should engage until the end range motion of abduction.
What does the acronym HOPS relate to?
HOPS stands for History, Observation, Palpation and Special tests. HOPS is used to assess the client's experience, provide a postural assessment, give a physical examination, and test the function and structure of the client's body.
Which cells are responsible for generating the electrical impulses that control heart rate?
There are various forms of myocytes in the body, but it is the cardiac myosytes that are responsible for generating the electrical impulses that control heart rate.
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