Based on the ZTNA logs provided, which statement is true?
Based on the ZTNA logs provided, the true statement is:
A) The Remote_user ZTNA tag has matched the ZTNA rule: The log includes a user tag 'ztna_user' and a policy name 'External_Access_FAZ', which suggests that the ZTNA tag for 'Remote_User' has successfully matched the ZTNA rule defined in the policy to allow access.
The other options are not supported by the information in the log:
B) An authentication scheme is configured: The log does not provide details about an authentication scheme.
C) The external IP for ZTNA server is The log entry indicates 'dstip=' which suggests that this is the destination IP address for the traffic, not necessarily the external IP of the ZTNA server.
D) Traffic is allowed by firewall policy 1: The log entry 'policyid=1' indicates that the traffic is matched to firewall policy ID 1, but it does not explicitly state that the traffic is allowed; although the term 'action=accept' suggests that the action taken by the policy is to allow the traffic, the answer option D could be considered correct as well.
Interpretation of FortiGate ZTNA Log Files.
Analyzing Traffic Logs for Zero Trust Network Access.
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