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Finra Exam Series-6 Topic 4 Question 74 Discussion

Actual exam question for Finra's Series-6 exam
Question #: 74
Topic #: 4
[All Series-6 Questions]

Upon receiving a complaint about one of its member firms, FINRA may:

i. require any person associated with the member firm to provide information to FINRA and to testify under oath.

ii. inspect and copy the books, records and accounts of the member firm.

iii. share information obtained from its investigation of a member firm with a foreign regulatory agency.

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Suggested Answer: D

Upon receiving a complaint about one of its member firms, FINRA may require any person associated with the member firm to provide information and to testify under oath; it may inspect and copy the books, records, and accounts of the member firm; and it may share information obtained from its investigation of a member firm with a foreign regulatory agency. The foreign regulator must agree to treat the information confidentiality, and the agreement with the foreign regulator is predicated on two requirements: ''(A) the other regulator party to the agreement must have jurisdiction over common regulatory matters; and (B) the agreement must require the other regulator to reciprocate and share with FINRA information of regulatory interest or concern to FINRA.''

Contribute your Thoughts:

8 months ago
I would go with option D, allowing FINRA to do all the mentioned actions for a thorough investigation.
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8 months ago
I believe FINRA should be able to share information to ensure the integrity of the markets.
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8 months ago
I'm not sure about sharing information with foreign agencies, seems like a breach of privacy.
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8 months ago
I agree with Jules, it makes sense for FINRA to have those powers.
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9 months ago
I think FINRA can do all three things listed.
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9 months ago
I think it's important for cooperation and ensuring market integrity.
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10 months ago
But should FINRA share information with a foreign regulatory agency?
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10 months ago
I agree. FINRA has the authority to require information and inspect records.
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10 months ago
I think the answer is D) I, II, and III.
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11 months ago
That's a fair point. FINRA does have a lot of discretion in their investigations. But I trust they use those powers responsibly, for the greater good of investors and the industry. Plus, member firms can always appeal if they feel FINRA overstepped.
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9 months ago
So, the answer must be D) I, II, and III.
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9 months ago
They can even share information with foreign regulatory agencies.
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9 months ago
Yes, they can also inspect and copy the member firm's books and records.
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9 months ago
I think FINRA can require people to testify under oath.
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11 months ago
Absolutely. FINRA has to have those enforcement powers to maintain integrity in the markets. Although, I wonder if they ever abuse their authority. I mean, how do we know they're not just going on fishing expeditions sometimes?
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11 months ago
Haha, yeah, that would not be a fun day at the office! But I suppose that's the price you pay for the privilege of being a FINRA-registered broker-dealer. Better keep those records in tip-top shape!
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11 months ago
You know, I'm just glad I'm not one of the poor saps working at a FINRA member firm. Can you imagine having the FINRA cops show up and start digging through your books? Yikes!
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11 months ago
I agree, D is the right answer. FINRA has broad investigative and enforcement powers to ensure member firms comply with regulations. Personally, I'm glad they can take such comprehensive actions when there's a compliance issue.
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11 months ago
This is a pretty straightforward FINRA compliance question. I'm comfortable with the regulatory powers FINRA has over its member firms. The correct answer is clearly D, since all three options are valid actions FINRA can take.
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