- ZYX has selected OUTSCO to be the service integrator, provide hosting for the mainframes and servers, and the wide area network for ZYX - ZYXS will provide the service desk for the SIAM ecosystem.
- All other service providers with rolling contracts will continue to provide their services
- The CIO has asked for the development of a tooling strategy for the SIAM ecosystem.
- The CEO wants to achieve an optimum balance between cost and data integrity.
What tooling strategy should ZYX use?
Tooling Strategy Requirements: The tooling strategy must achieve a balance between cost and data integrity, as specified by the CEO.
Service Integrator's Role: OUTSCO, as the service integrator, has a central role in the SIAM ecosystem. Ensuring that all service providers use the OUTSCO toolset or integrate with it promotes consistency and data integrity.
Cost-Effective Integration: Integrating with the OUTSCO toolset avoids the high costs associated with re-keying data from disparate toolsets, which can be prone to errors and inconsistencies.
Unified Toolset Benefits:
Consistency: Using a common toolset ensures consistent processes and reporting across all service providers.
Data Integrity: A single toolset minimizes the risk of data loss or corruption during integrations.
Efficiency: It enhances efficiency in incident, problem, and change management processes.
Alternative Options:
Forcing all providers to use the OUTSCO toolset within six months (Option B) may be impractical and disruptive.
Using the ZYXS toolset (Option C) does not align with the central role of OUTSCO as the service integrator.
Allowing each provider to use their own toolsets with manual integration (Option D) is costly and risks data integrity issues.
SIAM Foundation Body of Knowledge (BoK), Chapter on Tooling and Information Management
SIAM Professional Body of Knowledge (BoK), Toolset Integration Sections
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